Please note that the fairways were NOT overseeded in 2010. The awesome playing surface is actually our hybrid 419 bermudagrass thriving in late October. How cool is that!
Recently I was in Lawrence, KS as part of GCSAA's (our national superintendent's association) Environmental Committee. While there I viewed some walking greens mowers and bunker rakes in GCSAA's museum. It's remarkable how little the reels on the mowers have changed in 150 years. The bunker rake would certainly return the bunkers to a hazard. 1 extra mulligan/gimme to anyone who can identify the distinguished gentleman on the left of the final photo. He is considered by many to be the "father of greenkeeping" who early on saw the benefits of topdressing by noting how well the turf grew under the sand he inadvertantly spilled. He also was the first to use a metal cup to protect the integrity of the hole and he wasn't a bad stick either winning 4 majors.
Next week we will return to WR as our in house video production staff (actually it's me and Patrick)highlight some cart tips to help us keep our roughs looking awesome. Have a great golfing week.